
Sarah Ing Coaching

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter and join 644+ other curious, sense-of-humored women in tech. You’ll get the honest and refreshing truth about building an authentic career in tech (ahem, AuthenTech) with a side of strategy and a heap of sass.

I took the bus to nowhere

May today bring with it.... Something refreshing. Someone used this word to describe my talk on Tuesday and first off, what a compliment. The word refreshing has been on my mind ever since. I took the bus today without a destination in mind. You see, I've been working 6 days a week. In preparation for the new cohort of my coaching program for women in tech. And I love it. But slowly, slowly, a heaviness began to creep in. I start having fewer ideas. I stop thinking "what's fun" and focus on...

Learn from my mistakes

July 18th How I ended up in a stranger's bedroom, hiding from an aggressive dog ↓ Hi friend, May today bring with it.... Ease. Ease to be yourself. To relax. To take the weight off your shoulders and set it aside. I spent the weekend dogsitting. Correction. I had plans to spend the weekend dogsitting. As someone who loves to shake things up and have new experiences, TrustedHousesitters, is a go-to. You can stay at a person's house and spend time with a cute dog or cat. I've used it a couple...

Feeling like a real fraud in tech

June 13th I didn't love coding as much as other devs. ↓ Hi friend, May today bring with it.... Shimmers. The definition: "shine with a soft, slightly wavering light." Let's get some more warm, gentle, sunshine energy in our life. For both of us! I remember feeling so intimidated for the first 5 years of my career as a software engineer. I didn't know if I was good at coding. And I didn't know if I should stay in the field or pivot. Because I just didn't love it like other people. Here was a...

I flipped a coin to decide my future

Sarah Ing June 6th I flipped a coin to decide my future. Really. ↓ Hi friend, May today bring with it.... Buoyancy. This word popped into my head this morning and I am rolling with it. I'm picturing soft movement, playfulness, and adaptability. Heads or tails? “Heads means you go to grad school,” my therapist said. Grad school meant a 3-year masters in marriage and family therapy. “And tails? That’ll mean you go to the coding bootcamp in Chicago.” “Oh here we go,” I thought. I moved forward,...

What my day looks like with a portfolio career

Sarah Ing April 9th What my day looks like with a portfolio career (tl;dr it's busy and varied) ↓ Hi friend, I've been thinking a lot about portfolio careers. Or rather, what I like to call patchwork careers. Because for me, I stitch a bunch of things together that I find interesting for work. And that makes up one quilt of a career. A weighted quilt if you will. One that's cozy and offers support. It was in a recent conversation with someone in the Leopard Slack community, that I realized it...

Doing something new and the inside chatter that comes with it

Sarah Ing April 9th Doing something new and the inside chatter that comes with it ↓ Hi friend, May today bring with it.... Surprise! Delight! And more smiles than yesterday. You may have noticed I've moved from my beloved Beehiiv to ConvertKit. It's an intentional move to simplify, simplify, simplify. So, welcome to our new home! Look around, grab one of the ceramic mugs in the cupboard, and kick up a seat on the couch. The one where it seems to sink in and hug you just right. I've been...

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter and join 644+ other curious, sense-of-humored women in tech. You’ll get the honest and refreshing truth about building an authentic career in tech (ahem, AuthenTech) with a side of strategy and a heap of sass.