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Sarah Ing Coaching

Doing something new and the inside chatter that comes with it

Sarah Ing

April 9th

Doing something new and the inside chatter that comes with it

Hi friend,

May today bring with it....

Surprise! Delight!

And more smiles than yesterday.

You may have noticed I've moved from my beloved Beehiiv to ConvertKit.

It's an intentional move to simplify, simplify, simplify.

So, welcome to our new home!

Look around, grab one of the ceramic mugs in the cupboard, and kick up a seat on the couch.

The one where it seems to sink in and hug you just right.

I've been thinking a lot about the inner chatter.

Especially when doing something new.

Something brave.

Something other people don't always try themselves (and think a bit weird.)

Going from leading an engineering team and having constant meetings with product collaborators, to, becoming a solopreneur.

It's such a contrast.

Roadmap whaaaat?

I decide.

What to focus on today?

Oh, my decision again.

Who my customers and clients are?

Yeah, you're getting it!

I've discovered that the support I've found with teammates and bosses, can also come from within. Within myself.

Exhibit A.

Yep, I literally send myself voicenotes on WhatsApp.

Sometimes they're ideas because I'm excited!

And don't want to forget.

Other times they are reminders. "Send out that survey!"

And 25% of the time I send myself pep talks.

Pep talks!

30 seconds worth of audio to myself, talking about things I'm proud of, the help I'm giving to people, and woo-hoos.

For those of you considering trying something new.

Or in the midst of it.

What kind of voicenotes would you send to yourself?

What would you say?

What happens if you sent one. Just one, voicenote of woo-hooing and cheering yourself on?

Going-ons I'm excited for:

  • My group coaching program, AuthenTech, starts this Thursday! Ahhh. The group is already filled with incredible women who want more for themselves, true to their values of exploration and creativity. Read more about who's in the group.
  • I gave a personal (and vulnerable) talk about my many life pivots and how to navigate your own career transition with PIZZAZZ. You can check out the replay here.
  • I'm finally announcing my work as a Candidate and Community Advisor at! Leopard brings the transparency to the job hunt and has a kickass community of women and non-binary engineers and PMs in tech. I've been consulting with them for the last 2 months and am so excited to share the news.

Shiny things that caught my eye (and I want to share them!)

  • I love this newsletter from my friend, Taylor, who runs community at Groove. I don't even use Groove often (virtual co-working, it's fun!) but I read each and every one of her posts.
  • Blending nutritional yeast with tofu, mustard, and salt. And then putting it on butter beans. Hey, hey, hey - try it out first before you knock it!
  • Goody, one of my favorite ways to treat my clients and loved ones. Gift-giving made as simple as a text message! I'm sending out some fancy teas to Tennessee this week.

Rooting for you,


Start With Hello is a weekly newsletter of quips, tips + proven strategies specifically designed for women in tech who are ready to feel more like the energized and damn cool person they were 5 years ago.

It’s written by Sarah, a coach, founder, and Sushi Go aficionado. I offer 1:1 coaching and if you’re in a rut, I’ve got you - book a snack-sized curiosity chat.

Please forward this to a friend if they’d find it interesting AND have a jazzy, spectacular kind of day⚡️

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Sarah Ing Coaching

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